The largest bacterium in the world is readily visible to the naked eye.
It has been revealed that the largest bacteria in the world, which is approximately 1 cm long and visible to the naked eye.
In the French Caribbean, a brand-new bacterial species has been identified. These microorganisms are regarded as the largest in the world. The Thiomargarita Magnifica bacteria measure around 1 cm in length. This organism is visible to the unaided eye and resembles a human eyelash in both size and shape.
- Magnifica was found to be residing on the decomposing, submerged leaves of a mangrove tree. The bacteria is not harmful to humans and cannot infect them. The size of this enormous cell is the only thing that is astonishing. These bacteria, according to Jean-Marie Volland of the Joint Gerome Institute at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, are about 5000 times bigger than others. To put things in perspective, she continued, “For us humans, learning that another human is as tall as Mount Everest is equivalent.”
- Magnifica was first discovered in Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles, in 2009, but Dr. Volland and a colleague recently requested a thorough investigation. One important result of their research is that, in contrast to other bacteria, which have DNA that is free to float around in the cytoplasm that makes up their bodies, this particular bacterium keeps its genetic information in compartments.
The packaging of DNA inside a membrane-bound compartment is thought to only be preserved by eukaryotic cells, hence this is an important discovery. Higher organisms including us, plants, and other animals are made up of eukaryotic cells.